MIDWEST MEDIA EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION The Midwest Media Educators Association (MMEA) is a group of high school television instructors and advisors who meet to share ideas, techniques, information, and technical knowledge about television curricula and activities in the midwest-area high schools. MMEA sponsors an annual student video festival to recognize student achievement in television.
Article I – Name The name of the organization shall be the Midwest Media Educators Association, a nonprofit membership organization. It shall be referred to as MMEA in the remainder of these by-laws.
Article II – Purposes A. To offer opportunities for networking among video production faculty at the secondary school level. B. To model core elements of a quality program, create best practices, and establish credibility in the field. C. To act as a resource for information and personnel that will help media programs grow in secondary schools; including site visits, technical support, grant, scholarship, and contest information. D. To offer professional development opportunities covering emerging trends in curriculum, video production technology, and practices. E. To increase college/career articulation with member schools about video production opportunities. F. To recognize and showcase student work at an annual video festival
Article III – Membership and Dues A. Any secondary school instructor, advisor, or person who is interested in meeting to share ideas, techniques, information, and technical knowledge about video production curricula and activities. B. A membership directory shall be compiled annually by the Secretary. 2 C. Dues will be paid annually to the Midwest Media Educators Association. Retirees from the organization are exempt from the annual membership fee.
Article IV – Officers The offices of MMEA shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer; the officers shall be called the Executive Board of MMEA. All officers are expected to be in attendance at all MMEA meetings. Failure to attend meetings and meet duties as assigned may result in removal from office.
A. Duties:
1. President – a. Shall be administrative head of the Association b. Shall preside over meetings c. Shall chair the Video Festival Committee d. Shall appoint standing committees and designate their chair e. Shall appoint other committees as deemed necessary
2. Vice President – a. Shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President b. Shall assist the President in keeping the website updated c. Shall chair the Institute Day Planning Committee d. Shall assist the President with various committees
3. Secretary – a. Shall record the minutes of all meetings and distribute them to the membership electronically b. Shall handle the correspondence for MMEA as requested by the president c. Shall update the annual membership directory
4. Treasurer – a. Shall receive all monies due MMEA and deposit them in approved accounts b. Shall present financial reports at meetings c. Shall make all disbursements
B. Elections: 1. Election of officers shall take place electronically, prior to the annual Video Festival.
2. Nominations will be received by the President electronically or in person at the Winter Institute. 3. All officers will be elected by majority vote conducted electronically.
C. Term: 1. The term of office shall be two years. 2. The new officers will assume responsibility for their new positions during the last meeting of the year. 3. There is no limit to the number of terms a member may serve in office. 4. Elections shall be staggered to avoid a complete turnover.
D. Vacancies: 1. If there is a vacancy in any office before the term expires, the President shall appoint a member to fill that vacancy. 2. If the office of President shall become vacated before the end of the term, the Vice President will assume the role of Acting President and appoint a Temporary Vice President until a Special Election can be held at the next meeting.
Article V – Meetings Meetings shall be held quarterly and as deemed necessary by the President at different schools of the membership; an attempt will be made to rotate the meetings amongst the member schools.
Article VI – Finances 1. All funds of MMEA shall be deposited in accounts in recognized banks or savings institutions. 2. A budget shall be presented at the first meeting of the school year and approved by the membership by a majority vote. 3. Financial statements will be presented at the final meeting of the school year. 4. Funds may be disbursed by either the Treasurer or the President.
Article VII – Amendments 1. Any proposed amendments of these By-Laws must be presented to the President in writing or electronically 30 days prior to the next scheduled meeting. 2. The President will present the proposed By-Law amendments to the members of MMEA at least ten days before it can be entertained at a regularly scheduled meeting of the membership. 4 3. The vote on any amendment shall be by the members attending the meeting. 4. A simple majority of those members present is needed to pass an amendment.
These By-Laws have been approved by the majority of the Midwest Media Educators Association.